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This is a podcast that is a frank discussion about how we communicate and learn about sex and how it affects our lives. Each week, (hopefully) I bring on a new guest to talk about how their lives are affected by sex and sexuality. I talk to friends and strangers. People who like sex and people who don't like sex. I talk to parents and ask them how they teach or intend to teach their kids about sex. I talk to writers of erotica and sexual subjects. You will find a wide range of discussion on this podcast and I hope you will enjoy and share it with your friends and families.

Mar 29, 2014

This conversation is with a previous guest. She's no longer with her husband and is dating for the first time in her life. She's handling it very well and I think it's a fascinating conversation.

I also talk about Earth Day on March 29 and how is using the hash tag #TurnOffToTurnOn From 8:30 - 9:30pm on Saturday March 29, take the time to turn off all of your electronics and spend that full hour with your partner. Enjoy the intimacy.