Feb 25, 2013
Episode #34 - Lauren and I talk about navigating high school where her mom was a sexual education teacher and her dad was the football coach. We also talk about her first relationship being a long distance relationship, as well as waiting for sex and how she feels about someone making a "sexual mixed-tape."
Feb 19, 2013
I know…it's five days AFTER Valentine's Day, but isn't that the best time to hear all kinds of stories and memories from previous Valentine's Days? We have sweet, fun, funny, awkward, and sad stories to tell. Take a listen and then feel free to share your own with us...
Feb 12, 2013
Aaron tells me what it was like to sit his parents down and have the sex talk with them - that's right, he told them he was going to have sex with his girlfriend. Surprisingly, they took it very well. Maybe we all should have tried that back in high school or whenever it was we lost our virginity.
Feb 7, 2013
On Ep. #31, Amanda and I talk about many things, including how it was her boyfriend who told her that her female roommate was into her and how that female roommate is now her partner and wife. (They prefer partner, but wife is quicker for people to grasp.)